I get it: forgiveness can be tough. People behave badly, but if we hold onto anger, it doesn’t help us. It doesn’t help the other person, either. It may feel like we're fighting ourselves - and yet I am a huge advocate of forgiving.
I believe in forgiving everything. And everyone. Because there is no reason not to forgive. That's not to say that you should keep toxic people in your daily life, but you can only gain by forgiving them in your heart.
My life mentor is Eva Kor. She and her sister were among some 3,000 twins tortured by Josef Mengele during the Holocaust. Only around 200 twins, including Eva and her sister Miriam, survived. Each weekday the Nazi doctors did terrible things to Eva and her sister. But 50 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, Eva returned to the camp and publicly forgave the Nazi doctors and even Mengele himself. “You have ruined 50 years of my life,” she said, “You will not ruin one more day.”

Now Eva is the most joyous woman I know. She jumps up to dance at the first sign of music, she's always smiling, and at 84 she's still the life of the party.
Here is a meditation for forgiveness invented by Lester Levenson, whom I learned about from an online meditation course called Finders Course. Levenson was diagnosed with heart disease in 1952 and sent home to die. Instead, lying in bed, he decided to forgive everyone he had harmed in his life, intentionally or not. He also chose to forgive everyone who had harmed him, whether they intended to or not. One by one he went through people and encounters and chose to forgive. Instead of feeling anger, he decided to send love to each of these people from his past and present life.
I suggest saying out loud once a day, "I forgive every person who has harmed me, whether they meant to or not." Then think about a few people who come prominently to mind who have caused pain or harm to you, physically or emotionally. I suggest naming them:
"I forgive Josh." Then think about sending good wishes and happiness to him.
"I forgive Amy." Then say a prayer, in whatever way feels natural to you, that Amy has a great day and a positive, happy life.
You can continue with two more people or two hundred, whatever feels right. And tomorrow you can forgive the same people or choose new ones. What's important is to really feel, deeply, forgiveness in your heart.
You can close this short forgiveness exercise by saying, again out loud, "I have the freedom and choice to forgive. I live in freedom. My happiness is a choice."
I think this is the ultimate benefit of meditation. Freedom. The choice, as Eva Kor made, to choose to live in happiness rather than holding onto resentment.
“If I had discovered forgiveness sooner, I would have had that 50 years of my life,” Kor has said. “Forgive. See the miracle that can happen.”
Enjoy and let me know how this goes for you!